Peppermint OS 8 released with Linux Kernel 4.8 and updated graphics stack

The Peppermint OS team has announced availability of Peppermint OS 8, latest updated release of *ubuntu based GNU/Linux project that offers an integrated cloud experience on desktop operating system. This release of Peppermint OS is available in both 32 bit and 64 bit variations. The 64 bit variation comes with full UEFI/secure boot support.

Peppermint OS 8 is based on Ubuntu 16.04.2 and provides option to use Linux Kernel 4.8, which comes with updated graphics stack and modern hardware support.

Other highlights in Peppermint OS 8 includes:
  • Still based on the 16.04 code base, but now with the 4.8 kernel series and upgraded graphics stack via the HWE offering rolling kernel and graphics stack upgrades as they become available upstream.
  • Mesa 17.0.2 for an improved gaming experience.
  • The Peppermint 8 ISO images now have an ‘OEM Install’ option, allowing computers to be shipped with Peppermint pre-installed (and with additional software pre-installed) where the user will be prompted for their own language, location, keyboard layout, and account details on first boot, allowing the system configuration to be unique to the new owner.
  • Talking of keyboard layouts, in response to user requests Peppermint 8 now has much improved keyboard layout handling, including the ability to easily configure then swap between multiple layouts from the system tray (or Left-Alt+Left-Shift keyboard shortcut) .
  • Added volume management, so external drives are now auto-mounted when plugged in and DVD’s auto-played in VLC , a utility for changing these settings can be found in the much expanded Peppermint Settings Panel.
  • Again because of much appreciated user feedback we’ve switch back to the Chromium web browser as the default, the pepperflash PPAPI flashplayer is included, and we’ve retained the ‘Firefox Theme Lock’ utility for those that wish to use Firefox and a dark Gtk theme instead.
  • The calculator is now mate-calc because it’s more consistent with the way the Windows/OS X/iOS/Android calculators processes sum entry.
  • The lxtask task manager has been replaced with xfce4-taskmanager because it displays more active information including a CPU and RAM usage trace.
  • The pluma text editor is replaced with xed, but for documentation compatibility – typing a command with ‘pluma’ or ‘gedit’ will open xed.
  • The eog image viewer has been replaced with xviewer because Gnome client side decorations were inconsistent with Peppermint’s overall ‘look and feel’.
  • All X-Apps are now in the Peppermint 8 repositories, so you can install pix, xreader, and xplayer if you wish, as are xfdashboard and xfce4-hotcorner-plugin for those that may want them.
  • Added NFS support out of the box.
  • Added exFAT support out of the box.
  • OpenDyslexic font installed out of the box as an option (not the default font).
  • Font hinting changed to “full” by default.
  • A much expanded Peppermint Settings Panel with additional features and a new ‘Tweaks‘ category.
  • Added a ‘Panel Reset’ utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel to reset the xfce4-panel to system defaults.
  • Added a utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel to enable/disable system sounds.
  • Added a utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel to enable/disable system hibernation.
  • Added the ‘Numix Folders’ utility to the Peppermint Settings Panel which allows changing the type and colour of the folder icons when using one of the Numix icon themes.
  • The whiskermenu application categories have been switched to the left, and application descriptions replaced with tooltips by popular request.
  • Extra color options for Gtk and Icon themes
  • New installation slideshow.
  • And some new wallpapers that we hope you’ll like including the new default, and some additional images by the brilliant photographer Ray Bilcliff
Original release announcement for Peppermint OS 8 is available on official website.

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