SparkyLinux 4.3 Special Editions announced

SparkyLinux team announced release of SparkyLinux 4.3 special editions which includes GameOver, Rescue and multimedia editions. All these special editions are built over SparkyLinux 4.3 and hence are compatible with current Debian testing branch 'stretch'.

GameOver editions is an ultimate gaming distribution which comes with several pre-installed games and scripts to install additional games. The Rescue edition, which comes as live media only, includes several tools to scan and fix system software failures and to recover data. The multimedia edition as name indicates comes with software packages and tools to create, view and edit different kind of multimedia files.

Following are some highlights of SparkyLinux 4.3.
  • full system upgrade as of May 03, 2016
  • Linux kernel 4.5.1
  • home roasted Sparky’s the latest Linux kernel 4.5.3 is available in Sparky “unstable” repository 
  • added desktop client to the “GameOver” edition
  • Iceweasel web browser replaced by Firefox  
For more information, see official release announcement published by SparkyLinux team.

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