Simplicity Linux is more than a Puppy clone : Review

Simplicity Linux is a Puppy based(more specifically LXPup based), lightweight GNU/Linux distributions. It comes in three different flavors, Mini and Desktop editions are shipped with latest stable software packages, while X is packed with bleeding edge packages.

The Linux Insider portal has published a review of Simplicity Linux, by taking recently released Simplicity Linux 16.04 into consideration. This review remarks that, Simplicity Linux is more advanced and user friendly comparing to other Puppy derivatives. Though, at the bottom line, being Puppy based, it requires more learning comparing to other Debian based GNU/Linux distributions.

Simplicity Linux delivers a simpler way to run a fully powered Linux desktop on any computer you touch.

It is derived from Puppy Linux. Two beta versions released in March offer experimental approaches that stray from the distro's standard releases.

If you're familiar with Puppy Linux but have not yet taken Simplicity for a walk, you're missing out some interesting Linux computing experiences. Puppy Linux is a unique distro brand made for both new and old home-user computers. It was created by Barry Kauler in 2003 and continues to thrive with avid users.

Simplicity Linux is more than a Puppy Linux clone. Beyond the look and feel of the Puppy desktop, Simplicity provides a more rigorous release schedule with options and some innovations not typically found in the Puppy doghouse. 
Read complete review in Linux Insider's portal.

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