Sparky Linux 4.3-dev3 Minimal ISO Released

The Sparky Linux team announced availability of Sparky Linux 4.3-dev3, third and probably final development release of SparkyLinux 4.3, a Debian based Linux distribution that provides a out of the box experience with slightly customized lightweight desktop environments.

According to official release announcement, following are major changes in this release in comparison with previous development release:
  • An updated installer which offers 4 more desktop environments which are bspwm, i3, Pantheon and Window Maker. Installer is also includes Firefox web browser instead Iceweasel web browser used in previous releases.
  • Sparky APTus got an option of desktop installation, so you can install any desktop configured for Sparky as the same desktops provided via Sparky Advanced Installer  
  • Minor improvements for home grilled desktops: Enlightenment, Budgie and bspwm to work as a default session via Lightdm or a different login manager.
  • Linux Kernel 4.4.6
Read more information in official release announcement.

Download SparkyLinux 4.3-dev3 Minimal ISO

SparkyLinux 4.3 dev3 MinimalGUI i686 non-pae
SourceForge: Direct download 886MB
Linuxtracker: BitTorrent file
SparkyLinux 4.3 dev3 MinimalGUI x86_64
SourceForge: Direct download 881MB
Linuxtracker: BitTorrent file

SparkyLinux 4.3 dev3 MinimalCLI i686 non-pae
SourceForge: Direct download 513MB
Linuxtracker: BitTorrent file

SparkyLinux 4.3 dev3 MinimalCLI x86_64
SourceForge: Direct download 504MB
Linuxtracker: BitTorrent file

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