SaaS, CaaS & DevOps : Future of Cloud in 2016

The Cloud service is one of the fastest growing technology in these days. It helps people to have scalable, reliable network solutions for an affordable cost. The cbronline portal has published an article which is trying to predict future of cloud in 2016.

Dave Wright, CEO of SolidFire: "The growth of hyperscale cloud vendors like Amazon and Microsoft, will continue to put pressure on the market giants in 2016, causing them to realise that they need to radically reshape themselves to survive.

There are several key trends transforming modern Enterprise IT including public cloud and flash, and the pressure from these shifts is only going to increase in 2016.

"Any large IT vendor that doesn't derive a meaningful amount of its revenue from the public cloud in 2016 is going to be left behind. Similarly, enterprises that have had their first taste of flash are now hungry for more, and are looking to move it from the fringe to the data centre core."
Read complete article in cbronline portal.

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