4MLinux 15.0 STABLE Released

The 4MLinux team announced availability of 4MLinux 15.0, latest stable release of independently evolved, small sized GNU/Linux distribution.

From release announcement:
The status of the 4MLinux 15.0 series has been changed to STABLE. Major change in the core of the system, which now includes GNU C Library 2.22. As a response to the requests from 4MLinux users, the following applications have been added: Audacity (digital audio editor), GNU GRUB (boot loader), InfraRecorder (CD/DVD writing program), LXInput and LXRandR (small yet powerful setup tools from the LXDE project). Additionally, important change in the 4MLinux LAMP Server, which now uses Postfix to handle emails sent via PHP mail.
More information and screen shots can be found in 4MLinux Blog

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