KaOS 2015.11 is Available Now

The KaOS team announced availability of KaOS 2015.11, latest monthly build of independently developed rolling GNU/Linux distribution featuring KDE as default desktop environment.

From official announcement:
As always with this rolling distribution you will find the very latest packages for the Plasma Desktop, this includes Frameworks 5.16.0, Plasma 5.4.3 and KDE Applications 15.08.3.

Most notable major updates to the base of the system are the Boost 1.59.0/ICU 56.1 stack, Glib2 2.46.2 stack, a move of Mariadb to the 10 series, Perl 5.22.0 stack, Linux 4.2.6, all Texlive packages updated to their 2015 versions, Qt 5.5.1 and Systemd 228.

Artwork received several updates. The all new logo is implemented over various parts of the system. A fully scalable slideshow with SVG based images and QML based text was designed for the installer, replacing the old png based slides.

For more information, see complete announcement in KaOS website.

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