Rainbow Stream - An open source command line client for Twitter
08/01/2015 02:30 PM
Iit is a good information for those who prefer to use command line user interface over modern graphical user interface. Now you can access your twitter account using a command line tool called Rainbow stream.
An article written by Avishek Kumar, published in tecmint magazine gives a brief overview of Rainbow Stream. And also, he explains steps to install Rainbow Stream in popular GNU/
What is KDE - Video
08/01/2015 02:20 PM
A video created by Dan Leinir Turthra Jenson, published in Vimeo.com gives a brief overview of KDE. One of the widely used open source desktop environment.
What is KDE? from Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen on Vimeo.
A video created at Akademy 2015, celebrating who and what KDE is.
blackPanther OS 14.1 'Walking Dead' Released
07/31/2015 10:17 PM
blackPanther team announced release of blackPanther OS 14.1, the latest stable release of GNU/Linux distribution started it's development in early 2002. blackPanther OS 14.1 'Walking Dead' is a result of one year of continuous planning, development and testing activities.
According to release announcement:
We are sure you’ll enjoy the many improvements. We’ve done our best to
Second Alpha Release is Available for Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf
07/31/2015 10:04 PM
Ubuntu developers through official mailing list, announced availability of Second Alpha release for Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf. This release is also applicable for other Ubuntu flavors like Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Kylin and Ubuntu server.
From release announcement:
"I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human
heart like that felt by the inventor as he
Oracle Linux 6.7 Is Available Now
07/31/2015 09:49 PM
Oracle Linux developers through Michele Casey announced immediate availability of Oracle 6.7, the latest update for Oracle 6.x series. Oralce Linux is a open source enterprise GNU/Linux distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
From release announcement:
We're happy to announce the general availability of Oracle Linux 6
Update 7, the seventh update release for Oracle Linux 6.
LibreOffice 4.4.5 Released
07/30/2015 08:48 PM
The Document Foundation announced release of LibreOffice 4.4.5, the latest stable release of popular open source office suite.
From release announcement:
Berlin, July 30, 2015 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces
LibreOffice 4.4.5, the fifth minor release of the LibreOffice 4.4
family, with over 80 fixes over the previous version. LibreOffice 4.4.5
is replacing LibreOffice
Voyager X8 Debian : Review
07/30/2015 08:36 PM
It survived. It survived! Back in 2012, I tested this little distro and wasn't too
impressed with the result. I also thought it might come and go as some other brave players. But it marched on, and now, it's a whole family of Ubuntu and Debian
I would like to take Voyager for another spin. Choosing the right version wasn't too easy, so I decided to go
Elive 2.6.8 Beta Released
07/30/2015 08:32 PM
Elive Linux developers announced release of Elive 2.6.8 Beta, pre release of upcoming Debian based GNU/Linux distribution featuring speed, beautiful interface and flexibility.
According to release announcement, following are some features of this release.
Huge fonts with nvidia cards fixed
Much improved touchpad default configurations
Internet configurator widget is now static in the
Solus OS can Boot in 1.2 Seconds
07/29/2015 09:38 PM
Solus OS is an independently evolved GNU/Linux operating system that is mainly concentrating on simplicity and efficiency. The first most release of Solus OS is about to release within few days. Meanwhile Solus OS team showed off it's ability to boot system within 1.2 seconds.
The Solus operating
system is getting closer to a stable release and its developers are
showing off some of
5 Tips for Running Android on VirtualBox
07/29/2015 09:34 PM
An article written by Gary Newell, a well know Linux Export, shares 5 important things to take care of while running Android operating system using VirtualBox. These tips will really help to improve user experience of Android running on VirtualBox.
If you want to use Android on your laptop or desktop computer then the best way is to use the Android x86 distribution.
I also recommend
NetBSD 7.0 RC2 Released
07/29/2015 09:27 PM
NetBSD developers announced release of second release candidate for NetBSD 7.0. NetBSD is a free, fast, secure and portable Unix like GNU/Linux distribution that can power a wide range of devices.
According to official release announcement, following are some changes introduced in this release.
OpenSSL updated to 1.0.1p
BIND updated to 9.10.2-P2
IPSEC support is now included by
Ubuntu Phones - Years of Effort, Still not Good Enough : Review
07/28/2015 10:16 PM
A review of Ubuntu phones written by Jamie Rigg, published in engadget criticizes that, despite of years of effort spent in developing Ubuntu phones, it is not good enough comparing to other competitors.
Canonical's desire to put Ubuntu on smartphones was
revealed several years ago, but originally, the company was toying with
shoehorning the OS onto Android handsets. It wasn't
Why Ubuntu Software Center is not Widely Accepted
07/28/2015 10:04 PM
Last day, ubuntu MATE developers announced their decision to drop Ubuntu Software Center from default installation. In this context, an article published in softpedia examines, why Ubuntu Software Center is not widely accepted by community.
Ubuntu MATE recently
decided to drop the Ubuntu Software Center and it will not longer be
available with the upcoming 15.10 Alpha 2 release. This
BackBox 4.3 : Beyond Peneteration Testing and Security Assesment
07/28/2015 09:56 PM
A review of recently released BackBox 4.3, argues that, BackBox 4.3 is a complete GNU/Linux distribution and it has more to do beyond Penetration testing and security assessment. Penetration testing and security assessments are major focus of BackBox Linux.
From review:
BackBox is a Linux distribution that’s based on Ubuntu and designed for conducting “penetration tests and security
Vector Linux 7.1 LIGHT Released
07/28/2015 09:50 PM
Vector Linux team announced release of Vector Linux 7.1 LIGHT, the latest release of Slackware based GNU/Linux distribution offering stability, performance and simplicity. This release is light comparing to previous releases as it is using IceWM window manager instead of XFCE used in previous releases.
According to official release announcement:
The "lightness" of this version is
FreeBSD 10.2 RC1 Is Available Now
07/27/2015 09:48 PM
FreeBSD developers announced availability of first release candidate of upcoming FreeBSD 10.2 release. FreeBSD is a modern operating system that can power up high performance servers, desktops and even embedded systems.
According to official mail regarding availability of FreeBSD 10.2 RC1, following are major changes introduced in this release.
tcpdump(8) has been updated to obtain