Fedora 22 KDE Spin Review

A review of recently released Fedora 22 KDE spin, published in dedoimedo criticizes that after a few stable releases, Fedora has again become unusable as it was years ago.

From review:
The new Fedora is like the Spaghetti western arch-hero. It has no name. Well, Twenty-Two. To make things even more complicated, the new release no longer brands itself the old, classic way. The modern new Web demands that the flavors be workstation, which replaces the desktop idea, the server, which is sort of like alpha testing for future Red Hat releases, and Cloud, which is so hot right now, like Hansel in Zoolander.

So I am going to be testing it. The workstation release, with KDE. The previous one was only average, and it shattered my hopes and expectations from this operating system, as I find the Red Hat base more appealing than a Debian one. But it almost never seems to catch on. Maybe now. After me. 

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