ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 GNOME Released,

Some of you noticed that the ROSA company has silently pushed the ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 GNOME computer operating system onto its servers last week without making a public statement about what new features and improvements introduced in the refreshed distribution.
At our users’ request, we’ve downloaded the ISO image to see what’s new and generate an in-depth screenshot tour for their viewing pleasure. Therefore, without further ado, we’ve noticed that ROSA Desktop Fresh R5 GNOME is now powered by Linux kernel 3.14.33 and built around the GNOME 3.12.2 desktop environment.
Among the pre-installed applications, we can mention ROSA Media Player 1.6.11-3 multimedia player, LibreOffice 4.3.5 office suite, Mozilla Firefox 36.0.1 web browser, Rpmdrake 5.26.11 package manager, Shotwell 0.20.2 image viewer and organizer, and Audacious 3.4.3 music player.
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