Porteus Kiosk 4.7.0 released

The Porteus team has announced the release of Porteus Kiosk 4.7.0, latest stable release of custom GNU/Linux distribution optimized for embedded systems like display boards, ATM devices, ..etc. This Porteus Kiosk 4.7.0 release comes with a collection of updated packages and other improvements to provide a secure & smooth user experience. This release also brings the fix for Spectre vulnerability with updated microcode.

Other highlights from Porteus Kiosk 4.7.0 release includes:
  • Its possible to explicitly set the shutdown options which should be present in the kiosk shutdown menu. You can allow the users to e.g. reboot the kiosk or restart the session but they wont be able to shutdown the PC fully.
  • Added support for refreshing browser webpage with defined time interval. This is useful for digital signage purposes.
  • Screen rotation function has been split from more complex 'screen_settings' parameter. Handy if you want to just rotate the screen on different kiosk setups and want to avoid providing other screen attributes like vide output name, screen resolution, refresh rate or position.
  • Enabled "DRI3" and "TearFree" features on Intel DDX driver by default which should result in a smooth video playback and scrolling on rotated screens.
  • USB devices (e.g. smart cards) are redirected to Citrix session by default.
  • 'Wake On LAN' function should also wake the kiosks which are in different subnets than Porteus Kiosk Server.
  • Implemented 'Send notification' action in the server's Administration Panel so its possible to send a message to multiple clients.
  • Added 'History' function to the 'Send custom command' action in the Administration Panel so its possible to easily rerun previously executed commands.
  • Other bugfixes and improvements.
For more information, see Porteus Kios 4.7.0 release announcement published in project's website along with the detailed change logs. You can also read about Porteus GNU/Linux in our gallery page.

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