Calculate Linux 17.12.2 released with Gentoo 17.0 profile and Meltdown and Spectre patches

The Calculate Linux team has announced the release of Calculate Linux 17.12.2, latest stable release of Gentoo based GNU/Linux distribution optimized for rapid deployment in corporate environments. This release is built using Gentoo 17.0 profile and hence the whole packages were rebuild to be compatible with the parent.

Calculate Linux 17.12.2 availability

The Calculate Linux 17.12.2 is available in 8 different flavors. It includes desktop flavors CLD, CLDC, CLDM and CLDX featuring KDE, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce desktop environments respectively. Also, there exist Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Scratch Server (CSS) and Calculate Container Scratch (CCS) which is optimized for deploying on cloud containers.

Main highlights of Calculate Linux 17.12.2

Calculate Linux 17.12.2 is rebased with Gentoo 17.0 profile. In order to be compatible with the parent, all packages in Calculate repository are build in new environment. In addition to the base change, following are main highlights of this release:
  • We moved to the new Gentoo 17.0 profile. All binary packages were rebuilt, in the repo as well as on Live DVDs/USBs
  • All currently available Meltdown and Spectre patches were included
  • grub.d privileges are safe now
  • Restore functionality supported for LXC containers file capabilities
  • Network interfaces can be once again renamed and saved
  • Password configuration fixed for editing Grub entries
  • IO Scheduler option removed
  • Network configuration inside containers fixed
  • File attributes updated correctly by templates
  • Kernel start fixed (warnings and errors OK)
  • Possible to use a file as swap memory

Where can I download Calculate Linux 17.12.2?

Calculate Linux torrents can be downloaded from projects' official website or by  following the links given below.
Alternatively, the installation images can be downloaded from mirror sites listed in Calculate Linux download page.

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