Ubuntu 16.04 is now available in Windows Store

Following the announcement made by Microsoft on Microsoft Build 2016 conference, Ubuntu 16.04 is now available as an App in Windows Store. Currently this app is  only available Windows Insider (latest development preview of windows) users.

In previous annual summit, Microsoft had announced their plan to develop a windows subsystem for Linux in collaboration with Canonical. This will help windows users to deal with GNU/Linux shell and other programs without need for an emulator. Since the first announcement in Build 2016, WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) has evolved a lot and installation and configuration options are relatively easier now.

Courtesy : Ubuntu Isights
Ubuntu 16.04 is now available as an app from the Windows Store for users running Windows Insider builds. The newly improved app is created by Canonical in collaboration with the Microsoft WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) team as a result of the work announced at Microsoft Build 2017 Conference, after the first unveiling at Build 2016 Conference. The installation experience has been greatly improved and using Ubuntu on Windows should be now easier than before.

To use this app, you need to be enrolled in the Windows Insiders programme and upgrade to the latest preview build of Windows. You can join the programme here. Insider builds have an optional feature that allows you to run Ubuntu binaries, natively. This can be activated by searching for “Turn Windows features on or off” and opting-in “Windows Subsystem for Linux”. And then install Ubuntu from the Windows Store.
Original story is published by Canonical in Ubuntu Insights.

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