Neptune OS 4.5.4 announced with Linux 3.18.48 LTS, Chromium 57, VLC 2.2.4 and more

Mr Leszek, team member of Neptune OS has announced release of Neptune OS 4.5.4, 4th maintenance release in Neptune OS 4.5 series. This Debian 7.0 - Wheezy based GNU/Linux distribution comes with recent stable release of Linux Kernel and other device drivers to support modern hardware components.

Neptune OS 4.5.4 release is getting presented as an early easter gift for the community and it brings Linux Kernel 3.18.48 LTS and other bug fixes to support recent innovations in hardware industry.

Dolphin File Manager in Neptune OS (CREDIT : Neptune OS)
Another highlight of Neptune OS 4.5.4 is update VLC media player 2.2.4 which provides better supports for new multimedia codecs like VP9 or FLAC. In order to deliver better reliability with VLC 2.2.4, the Phenon base for playing sound in Plasma Desktop has been updated to version 4.9.0.

Also, Neptune OS internet suite is updated with Chromium 57 and Icedove 45.6 to provide the best experience for surfing web and writing emails. Chromium 57 brings better support for HTML5 video play and Icedove 45.6 brings fix for several bugs which come into play while writing emails.

Other highlights in Neptune OS 4.5.4 release includes:
  • Mesa Version 13.0.4 fixes several bugs and improves graphics hardware support. 
  • The Radeon(ATI/AMD) driver got an update to Version 7.8.0 with better support for several amd graphicscards and some bugfixes.
  • Fresh and new is the improvement for the flash filesystem f2fs. We now allow mounting those partitions directly on the desktop with udisks. Besides that we also updated the f2fs-tools to version 1.7.0 including several improvements for creating and checking the filesystem. 
  • We also improved the Btrfs filesystem with btrfs-progs 4.9.1 and plenty of improvements for filesystemchecks and better handling of low memory situations.
  • Neptune 4.5.4 now uses our new secure software repository by default. Additionally we include several security fixes in packages like eject.
  • LibreOffice got an update to version 4.3.3, libmtp 1.1.12 now supports mounting of the Jolla C smartphone and Encode got a fix for FullHD resolution.
  • VirtualBox 5.1.4 Guest Additions are available by default now on our ISO improving the support for newer VirtualBox versions. Besides that it also allows using the newer LTS Kernel 4.9.18 which is included in our repository without any problems.
For further details, see release announcement in Neptune OS website.

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