Manjaro 17.0 Gellivara Community editions released

The Manjaro community has announced release of various community editions based on Manjaro 17.0 Gellivara stable Core. These community editions includes Manjaro i3, Manjaro Cinnamon & Manjaro GNOME. It is expected that Manjaro LXQt edition will also be released soon.

Officially Manjaro team ships Xfce and Plasma flavors. While Manjaro community develops and maintains a variety of community flavors featuring popular desktop environments and or window managers. This will help Manjaro project to have a wider user base.

Manjaro 17.0 Cinnamon edition preview
Some of the common highlights of all community and official releases in Manjaro 17.0 stable branch can be aggregated as:
  • the complete native X-apps stack, including image viewers/browsers pix and xviewer, text editor xed, media-player xplayer and document viewer xreader.
  • package manager pamac, isousb and dconf-editor
  • base-devel group and yaourt for AUR access
  • of course the Manjaro goodies: Manjaro-Hardware-Detection, Manjaro-Settings-Manager and our new multilingual welcome screen Manjaro-Hello.
  • A range of Linux Kernels to choose from and easy option to install and enable different kernel versions
In addition to these common features, you can find additional enhancements and features in each community flavor. Few of the notable highlights in Manjaro 17.0 Gellivara Cinnamon edition can be summarized as:
  • The complete native X-apps stack, including image viewers/browsers pix and xviewer, text editor xed, media-player xplayer and document viewer xreader.
  • native cinnamon-sounds
  • nemo filebrowser
  • mozilla firefox and thunderbird
  • hexchat and transmission-gtk
  • office suite libreoffice-fresh
  • gimp
  • popular music manager pragha
  • gnome-disk-utility and baobab disk analyser
Manjaro i3 editions has become a mature and stable distribution over the years and is a good choice for people who are experts with this lightweight & slim windows manager. In addition to the common features, following are highlights in i3 edition of Manjaro 17.0.
  • i3-gaps 4.13
  • customized, preconfigured i3status-manjaro 2.11
  • dmenu-manjaro 4.16-12 patched with recency-awareness and mouse-support
  • additional categorized menu morc_menu
  • alsa pre-installed with install_pulse script for easy upgrade to pulseaudio
  • lightdm
  • pamac package manager
  • lxappearance and nitrogen for customization
  • lxinput for mouse and keyboard configuration
  • bmenu, ranger, moc and a variety of more CLI-utilities
  • compton, dunst, i3-scrot, i3-exit and conky
  • pcmanfm file-browser
  • palemoon internet browser
  • gimp, viewnior, epdfview, manjaro-printer
  • vlc, xfburn
  • hexchat, transmission-gtk
Manjaro GNOME edition tries to stick with vanilla GNOME releases. While it brings some customization to make it more usable and appealing for end users. These customizations includes refined look and feel. It includes commonly used heavy applications which are found in most of the main stream distributions.

To know more about these releases, you can see original release announcements in Manjaro blogs and associated discussions in Manjaro forums.

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