Elive 2.7.1 beta released

The Elive team has announced availability of Elive 2.7.1 beta for testing. Elive is a Debian based, live CD distribution that comes with well customized enlightenment window manager.

Being a development release, Elive team takes a disclaimer that, beta releases are less optimized as it will include development flags and debugging options. So it is not meant for end users who prefer to have stable, beautiful operating system.

Following are some notable highlights of Elive 2.7.1 beta release.
  • Audacity (audio wave editor) included by default
  • Timezone detection improved
  • Detector of systems improved and updated to detect last windows installed systems
  • Linux Kernel updated with a lot of new patches for new hardware, bugfixes and improvements
  • Google Voice search on internet using your microphone
A release announcement on availability of Elive 2.7.1 is available on projects portal.

Download Elive 2.7.1 beta

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