Q4OS 1.4.9 Orion Released

The Q4OS team announced release of Q4OS 1.4.9 Orion, latest update in Q4OS orion series. Q4OS is a Debian stable based GNU/Linux distribution with classical desktop experience. Q4OS 1.4.9 Orion is based on recently released Debian 8.4 'Jessy'.

We introduce 'Bourbon' start menu, the brand new default start menu in Q4OS. The two panel 'Bourbon' menu is highly efficient and customizable and features a search line, favorites, history and more options.

Q4OS 1.4.9 'Orion' is based on the most recent Debian 8.4 'Jessie' stable version released a few days ago. System packages have been updated and important security patches have been applied. A significant update for the native Q4OS uninstaller fixes the unintentional removal of the 'locales' package. Numerous under the hood improvements is provided as usual.

All the updates will arrive into repositories in the days to come, update manager or unattended upgrades mechanism will take care about to update computers of current users.
See original release announcement in Q4OS website.

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