PCLinuxOS MATE 2016.03 Review

The PCLinuxOS is a rolling GNU/Linux distribution, initially forked from Mandriva Linux. As different from other rolling linux distribution, PCLinuxOS focus on stability. Also, it has an unusual combination of RPM packages and synaptic package manager.

Latest issue(27/03/2016) of distrowatch weekly features a review of PCLinuxOS 2016.03 MATE, latest stable build of PCLinuxOS featuring MATE as default desktop environment. The reviewer is happy about overall experience with PCLinuxOS. However, he raises his wish to have a more modern package manager, libreoffice in repositories.

Booting from the live disc brings up a menu asking if we would like to load the MATE desktop, boot to a command line or run the distribution's system installer. Taking the desktop option brings up a graphical window where we are asked to select our keyboard's layout from a list. With our selection made, the system presents us with the MATE desktop. The desktop has a vibrant blue background and we find an application menu, task switcher and system tray at the bottom of the display. The application menu is laid out in a classic tree structure. On the desktop we find icons for browsing the file system, accessing documentation and launching the PCLinuxOS system installer. Clicking the documentation icon opens the Firefox web browser and displays a local page which explains how to use the distribution's system installer with screen shots of each step in the process.
Read complete review in distrowatch weekly.

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