Manjaro Budgie Spin is Awesome

Manjaro GNU/Linux is well known for it's Arch base and simplified user interface. In addition to official spins, Manjaro also hosts a few community spins featuring different desktop environments. 

Manjaro's recently found Budgie - An open source desktop environment build on top of gnome 3 stacks, specially designed for Solus OS - spin is amazingly awesome. 

Here is a news article published in softpedia linux section, which also includes some screen shots.
While digging the Internet, we've found a new community spin of the ever-growing Manjaro Linux operating system, built around Solus Project's simple, modern, and intuitive Budgie desktop environment.

Simply called Manjaro Budgie, the new distribution has just been uploaded to the Sourceforge project hosting website, but immediately removed. However, we've managed to get a copy of the OS and uploaded the ISO image on our secure servers.

The Manjaro Linux Budgie edition is distributed as a Live DVD ISO image supporting only 64-bit hardware architectures. This is the first RC (Release Candidate) version and it appears to be based on Manjaro Linux 0.8.13 "Ascella" and not on the latest version.

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