Red Hat Announced Development Preview of RHEL 7.1 for 64-bit ARM

Red Hat, the worlds largest open source organization announced development preview of RHEL 7.1, specifically targeting 64-bit ARM systems.

According to a news article published in softpedia:
Red Hat had the great pleasure of announcing the immediate availability of the first Development Preview of their upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.1 for ARM operating system.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.1 for ARM is a new product from Red Hat, one of the world's biggest open-source software companies, and it promises to bring the RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) operating system to the 64-bit ARM hardware architecture.

The Development Preview of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.1 for ARM is currently available to end users as an unsupported development platform, as well as to all members of the Red Hat ARM Partner Early Access Program.
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