Fedora 22 Workstation : Bit of a Slow Boot-up, Otherwise Much Improved - Review

A review of recently released Fedora 22 Workstation, published in hecticgeek.

It’s tough, robust, stable, idealistic, and loyal to its principles. This is my conceived idea of the GNU/Linux distribution known as ‘Fedora’. That said, I don’t necessarily admire all of its characteristics, but I deal with Fedora with respect because I have a history with it. Because even though over the years I’ve used other distributions most of the time, I’ve never lost my love for ‘Fedora’, because whenever I use it, I just feel at home, put in my element. It’s quite confusing really  .

Anyhow, after being impressed by Fedora 21, for the past six months, it has been my main operating system and I have no intentions to replace it with anything other than Fedora (yet), and I eagerly waited for the Fedora 22’s arrival.
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