Atom 1.0 - The First Code Editor by github - officialy Announced

Github, through benougle announced official release of Atom 1.0, the full featured code editor targeting different platforms. Atom provides support for wide range of programming/scripting languages and frameworks. These features can be added and removed as plugins.

According to official release announcement:
Today we're proud to announce Atom 1.0. It's amazing to think Atom has only been out and available to the public for a little over a year. A lot has happened since then. Atom has been downloaded 1.3 million times, and serves 350,000 monthly active users. The community has created 660 themes, and 2,090 packages including can't-live-without packages that have their own mini communities like the linter, autocomplete-plus, and minimap.
In the 155 releases since launch, the editor has improved immensely in performance, stability, feature-set, and modularity. The editor is faster in scrolling, typing, and start-up time. Atom now has a Windows installer, Linux packages, and several heavily requested features have been added like pane resizing and multi-folder projects.

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