Linux Lite 3.0 - Excellent user friendly, lightweight OS : Review

Latest issue of distrowatch weekly(18-07-2016) features a review of Linux Lite 3.0, recently released Ubuntu LTS based GNU/Linux distribution. This review remarks that Linux Lite 3.0 is a perfect choice for users who seek a lightweight user friendly operating system.

Linux Lite, being an Ubuntu LTS based is capable of providing a powerful base with support for a wide range of hardware pieces. Linux Lite is using Xfce desktop, which makes it to be lightweight in terms of resource usage. At the same time, this lightweight behavior does not compromise with user experience. It provides an excellent user experience with a wise selection of themes and wall papers. Linux Lite is not bloated like many other distribution, though it offers all basic software packages and provide a easy to use software center named Lite Software.

Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Linux Lite 3.0 is a lightweight distribution with the Xfce 4.12 desktop. In addition to being lightweight, it is also aimed at providing a familiar user experience for users transitioning from Microsoft Windows. In the wide array of Ubuntu derived distributions, Linux Lite has a lot of competition, so what sets Linux Lite apart from the other options? I downloaded the 955MB 64-bit install media to find out and below I share my experience with this very nice, polished distribution.

Booting and installing the distribution is a very familiar experience for anyone who has used Ubuntu or any distribution based on Ubuntu. The standard Ubiquity installer walks the user through the install experience providing guidance and making the experience pretty straight forward. In this regard, Linux Lite 3.0 is almost identical to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. 
Read complete review in distrowatch weekly.

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